It’s Christmas time in the city

First of all, no no no no, I was not stuck behind a couple o’ school buses today. For one thing, it is Saturday. For another, the Planet Ann Arbor is firmly committed to remote school and has been since the beginning, liberal mask-wearing bastion that it is. Third… I don’t drive to work any more but if I did, I wouldn’t encounter school buses.

I did actually drive a bit today. Two curbside pickups (Plum and Whine Castle) and a post office drop off of the moomincabin tax bill. Plum Market? My gal noticed the North Country Trail flyer stuck in a back window and got pretty excited. I was glad the GG was not with me because he would’ve talked this gal’s ear off! And might have outed our Plum insider, who I don’t usually tell people I’m related to.

The Whine Castle was SO BUSY that when I arrived at the parking lot and called in that I was there to pick up my order it took forever for someone to come out. So long that I actually called a second time. While I sat there, umpteen bazillion people parked and went INSIDE the store to buy whatever. That included an elderly man who parked next to me in the handicapped space, struggled to walk to the door, and did not put on his mask until after he entered the building. Trumper? I dunno. Maybe just a person who has lived a long time and is annoyed by the inconvenience of having to enter a building with a mask on and doesn’t understand the science. I was patient. This is a good business and I could imagine how slammed they were and how my small box of booze could be forgotten when other people were in their face, not to mention phone calls.

The post office looked slammed too. What the heck were so many people doing there? Were they going inside to send gifts to people? I do not know. I am ordering gifts online (as usual). I am (mostly) sending them to my house and we’ll figure out contact free delivery. I heaved my seasonal cabin’s tax payment up into the mail slot and drove on. Why are the mail drop boxes calibrated to the height of a SUV and not a Honda Civic SI?

Hey, it’s Christmas time in the city. Roight? It doesn’t feel like xmas to me at all. It feels the same as it did last March when everything was closed and we were all ordered to work at home. Some of us are still working from home. I’m not complaining. I *am* doing whatever I can to help everyone aka you all keep safe.

One Response to “It’s Christmas time in the city”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I’m not feeling very Christmasy, especially after having both girls home in 2019. This year has been rough on relationships. And tested me in ways I didn’t want to be tested! I’m going back to pick up as the cases rise. Washington is #45 which appears good, but our numbers are out of control too. Just not as out of control as other states.