Inauguration🐽 Tax [Prep] Day🐽

Yuck yuck yuck. A spec review and doing the taxes on the same day? Really?

I get why “people” feel the need to “do the taxes” before sending them off to the pros. I probably wouldn’t do it myself, at least not at this stage of the game. I have “done the taxes” in the past, both for us and for a couple of non-profit orgs. I’m capable. Accounting is probably one of the careers that would be right up my alley but I am not formally educated in it and I know enough to know when I’m in over my head. Nowadays if it were totally up to me, I’d probably just collect all the papers, fill out the organizer, throw it all in an envelope and send it off to Nancy.

Wait? Who’s Nancy? I’m not sure exactly which accountant is assigned to “do our taxes” this year but I don’t think there’s a Nancy. Somehow I woke up this morning thinking that the GG had ADAMANTLY told me that our taxes were not going to the usual folks. They were going to NANCY! I do not know if this was something I dreamed (I had some crazy dreams last night) or if I am conflating this with some kind of North Country Trail conversation.

Anyway, doing the taxes means that I get peppered with random questions about how much did we pay in property taxes for this or that and where is the invoice. I am usually conscientious about putting all invoices in THE TAX ENVELOPE but this year I failed in a couple of cases. I found the amounts online and I will sniff out the invoices this weekend. WHEN I AM NOT WORKING!

On the other side of the screen, Mr. Bear was also peppering me with questions. Actually he was peppering other people with questions and “ordering” me to do this or that. No, he is not my boss and don’t worry, this kind of behavior is typical and doesn’t bother me a whit. In the end, a potentially contentious spec review went smoothly because of his peppering. But I have another spec review tomorrow and we’ll see how that one goes.

DISCLAIMER: The red plaid maskless photo is NOT RECENT. It is a little over a year ago at Beggar’s Banquet in the “cowtown” of East Lansing. We were over there for the annual Quiet Adventure Water Symposium and Old Weird Mac and the GG are play facing it off at dinner. And yes we were all worried about COVID then but things had obviously not been shut down yet and I think we were all doing more hand-washing than anything at that time.

We certainly weren’t talking about our fears. We were sitting next to each other everywhere and hanging out with each other and about a bazillion other people wandering through the pavilion. At one presentation I went to, a guy WAS SITTING UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL TO ME. Believe it or not, I was less worried about COVID in that situation than I was about somebody invading my personal space.

We’ll talk about Squirrel Luckyshuckification some other day. Just try to say that without stumbling onto the F-word once or even twice 🤣

One Response to “Inauguration🐽 Tax [Prep] Day🐽”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Taxes, ugh. I organized my stuff and sent it to Mary, my tax preparer. Now I’m dealing with getting Poochie’s tax info to her accountant who is also doing the estate taxes. TOO many taxes! It is weird to see old photos with people SO close to each other. That hasn’t been our reality for close to a year. 🙁