The Hardland of the Winter

courtuenkels.jpgI did feel quite at home in Berkeley but in the end, the Bay Area spat me back to The Planet Ann Arbor. Five favorite things? Er, what the heck, I can’t stop at five:

  • Seeing Liz, Jess, and Renee!
  • Meeting Rona and Sharon and watching the Childhood Matters crew do their show. Not a whole lot different than being backstage during a YAG production, actually.
  • Liz and Jess’s very comfortable little apartment.
  • Hearing about Aimée’s safe arrival in Zimbabwe and reading reports of her adventures there.
  • Point Reyes, Point Reyes, Point Reyes! A spectacular day to be remembered forever! Whales! And cows.
  • Trucking all around Berkeley soaking up the scenery.
  • Saying, “thanks, my daughter made them,” to all the random people who told me they liked my socks!
  • Walking all around Chinatown, the “Warf,” Haight/Ashbury, Golden Gate Park, The Mission (right title?) and I forget where else with Liz. Lots of walking! Yay for walking!
  • Avocado sandwiches.
  • Navigating two airports and the Bay Area Rapid Transportation System (BART) *alone* on the trip out after about a million years of not flying anywhere. Go Kayak Woman!
  • Zombie-ing around the Berkeley Bowl after the two airports and the BART and having other patrons ask me where the garlic chives and other various exotica could be found. Blend in to Berkeley? Bwa-ha-ha!!
  • Grandmother’s Prophecy
  • Riding along as my cute little Lizard expertly navigated the Bay Area in her cute little vee-hickle.
  • Watching from the peanut gallery as my little Lizard pretty darn expertly navigates through her life on her own terms, and living by her own carefully chosen values. Proud? You bet!
  • Getting up at 5 AM PST every morning to work on homework before anyone else got up. Yay for waaaareless internet and Macbooks!
  • What am I forgetting?

Thank you, little Mama Courtuenkel for taking such good care of your own old tired moom. Pictures still to come. Gotta hit the ground running over the next couple days and tomorrow morning will probably hit like a train. Love.

One Response to “The Hardland of the Winter”

  1. Webmomster Says:

    Welcome back, KW!!