Grandmother’s Prophecies

  • grandmother.jpg“You’ll soon find a change for the better in your financial affairs. This’ll make you very happy indeed.” Yes, I’m sure that’d make most people happy.
  • “You have a strong driving power within you, that may sometimes exhaust those about you.” Duh?
  • “You are very easy tempered, slow to get angry, but also slow to forgive.” Hmmm, I don’t think too many people would agree with that, at least not the first two-thirds of it.
  • “Your family has caused you some uneasiness, but I see no cause to worry about them in the future.” Well, not that my family has *intentionally* caused any uneasiness but most of y’all know what the last couple years have been like. But here we are, all of us Amazon women, carrying on and traveling all over hell and gone. Laughing and living. So maybe Grandmother is right on this one. I hope so.
  • “You will take a trip and that will bring you a great deal of happiness.” YES! I got this fortune half-way through the trip but the trip *did* bring me *much* happiness.

Now if only Grandmother could have foretold something actually useful: that during the five days I was away from The Planet Ann Arbor, the Westgate Kroger would be rearranged yet again?

6 Responses to “Grandmother’s Prophecies”

  1. Sam Says:

    How did you know that is the one thing from yesterday’s list I really wondered about & didn’t find time to ask you about? Thanks for the answer!
    And welcome home!

  2. mouse Says:

    noooo!! they can’t rearrange kroger without consulting me. what am i going to do??

  3. jane Says:

    I was in Kroger’s very briefly on Sunday night. They had moved a bunch of stuff at that point, but LUCKILY the beer was still in the same place.

  4. Pooh Says:

    I was LOL at Jane’s response when I realized that laughing uses some of the same muscles that the Pilates DVD exercised yesterday!

  5. Pooh Says:

    I was LOL at Jane’s response when I realized that laughing uses some of the same muscles that the Pilates DVD exercised yesterday!

  6. Webmomster Says:

    Oh – do NOT *EVER* move the beer!!!

    …or, for that matter, the booze!!