Looking for lettuce. Nowhere in sight.
My day today? I went to get some grocks. Again. I went to Pat’s today. I love Meijer but I also like to support local grocery stores and Pat’s is a good one.
I went through the U-Scan. I put a green pepper on the scanner expecting to have to look it up, I was totally surprised when the musheen showed me a picture of green peppers and one other thing. I clicked on the green pepper and entered the quantity. I shouted (politely) over to the U-Scan cashier “this thing is REALLY SMART”. She said, “actually it takes a picture.” Oh, okay. And oh man, how cool.
Most of the rest of the day I slow-cooked a batch of enchiladas. I mean I cooked the chicken. And then I chopped green pepper and onions. And then I put the sauce together. And when the chicken cooled, I sliced it up. Eventually I slowly put it all together. And guess what. We ate the whole darn thing.
We have a lot of people here for overnight, which is very fun, and a couple of Mouse’s friends came to visit this afternoon. They were soooo much fun.
Here is the GG rummaging the refrigimatator for food for his sandwich for tomorrow.
August 14th, 2021 at 2:45 pm
I haven’t seen one of those high tech machines, but when I go (rarely) to the grocery store, I don’t do self checkout. I’m terrible at it! Those enchiladas sound amazing. Yum!