Weekly “zoom” with MMCB
We don’t use Zoom, we use FaceTime. I dunno why. That’s what we started out using and just haven’t changed. I’m talking about my weekly chat with MMCB1 and MMCB2. My old
Monday Thursday Wednesday Morning Coffee group at Zola Barry Bagels.
Today was extra fun because MMCB2 joined us. One of her other names is Bubbe and for the last five years she has been an active care-giver to her two local grandchildren. The older one is now headed off to in-person (yikes!) kindergarten and the younger is, well I fergit what he’s doing but she has a little bit more freedom to meet with adult friends nowadays so hopefully she’ll be able to join us more often going forward. She long ago taught me the word mensch and she epitomizes mensch-ness (probably not a word 🐽). Those kids are lucky to have spent so much time with their Bubbe and Zayde during their early years.
She has occasionally been able to join us but I think the last time was maybe six months ago so we all had a lot of gabbling to do.
Good work day and even a little chilly this morning with fog horns sounding in the channel but HOT HOT HOT now. Mr. Bear nipped in at the end of the day with something he seemed to take as a personal affront. He often does that (or sounds like it anyway). This wasn’t something I CAUSED but I “penned” a carefully worded response, then LOGGED OFF! Here I had thought he was on vacay this week.
Will The Mean Old Grunchie Old Grinchie show up tonight or not? That is the question. I saw his behemoth work van roll past on the 2-track road along the back of the cabins Monday night. I tried to call. I left messages. He did not return my calls. I RAN over there. Well, actually I didn’t really run because MAJOR TRAIL MAINTENANCE needs to be done between my [late] uncle Don’s cabin/house and my [late] aunt Radical Betty’s house, which is where the Grinch lives. I’m talking big tree branches down everywhere among other crapola. I yelled for him from outside the house. No response. I did not walk up to knock on the door. The reason why is not internet-able but no it doesn’t involve weapons. I’m pretty sure. I dunno how he’d find weapons if he had them 🤣
Anyway, he called me back this morning (two days later) to say he had just received my call(s). I had FORGOTTEN that he doesn’t get phone calls on his phone at that location. (I don’t think he texts, that would maybe be easier? Or not?) He said he would stop by this evening. We’ll see if he does. Whether he does or not, I love him ANYWAY!
If he does, I will try to post a discrete, tasteful pic so check back if you want. If he doesn’t show up, I’ll post a pic of his Spirit Aminal, who has lived with us on The Planet Ann Arbor for years but usually travels up here with us. Actually I just posted his Spirit Aminal. That’s Frogette on the right.
August 18th, 2021 at 6:59 pm
I have often run down to my parents’ house when they didn’t answer their phones or if there was a constant busy signal. They are 2 minutes away by car.