A welcome lack of sunset
It wasn’t a spectacular sunset (last night) but that was okay because it was FINALLY cool enough to slug around down on the beach.
Today was a totally different kind of day weather-wise. Hot and sunny again but more air moving around. Then. What time was it? I’ll just check my Dark Sky weather app… It was between noon and two. A huge storm rolled through. There was so much water coming down outta the sky that I had to decamp to INSIDE the moomincabin. I did not get an alert for that but boy oh boy, did we need it! It only cooled us off for a short time though and we were back to relentless heat and sun. Until… A nor’wester kicked up and as I write this another smaller storm is making its way through.
After the Big Storm, I headed down to the beach to take a look and I heard the freighter distress signal coming from… Where? No freighters were in sight and I couldn’t tell which direction it was coming from. Marine Traffic told me the Oberstar was upbound entering Whitefish Bay and The H. Lee White was downbound in the St. Marys River between here and the locks. I looked at Marine Traffic again a few minutes later and the H. Lee white was SIDEWAYS in the river. Then stopped. Finally it was downbound again and is now making its way through the rock cut toward DeTour and wherever. I do not know what was going on and hope no one was hurt. I mean the Cuyahoga recently went viral in a video of its near miss with a sailboat in the St. Clair River. If you are in a small bote and a FREIGHTER is coming along GET OUTTA THE WAY! JEEBUS! Follow @asailoratnight or other Great Lakes cap’ns on instagram for a view of what they see from the bridge on those huge botes.
Thinking of that, somebody posted on FB about attending a funeral recently where there wasn’t a dry eye. Turns out it was a young man (25) who had died in a boating accident in Brimley. I didn’t recognize his name but eventually an obit was posted and I clicked over and… His aunt was my best friend throughout grade school, even though she went to the Catholic school and I went to Stinkin’ Linkin’, a few blocks away. His mom was my friend’s younger sister and I have to admit we were not always (ahem) very nice to her. We were sorta holy terrors in general but in our defense, we had to deal with the neighborhood BOYZ, including dodging the rock throwers (four, yeah FOUR, brothers) along my alley. I haven’t seen any of these folks in umpteen gazillion years and didn’t know of his existence but very sorry about his death. It sounded like he was a good person with a promising future and all I can say is water accidents can happen fast even if you are following all the rules. I don’t know what happened, just saying.
August 29th, 2021 at 11:08 pm
That is sad about the young man. We always have water deaths here, usually from swimming rather than boating. Lots of snow melt means colder water in lakes and rivers than people anticipate. That is some wacky weather! We need the rain here…desperately.