Spring has sprung?

The peepers are singing their song in the marshes in the hollows between the Manchester Mountains. We WILL get more snow but unless there is an extreme event, we are probably done with shoveling, etc. Let it melt, let it melt, let it melt.

Given what’s going on in Ukraine, somebody pointed me toward “Everything is Illuminated” by the author of “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” (EL&IC). I read EL&IC a while ago. I guess before I had a goodreads account because it doesn’t show up as “read” or even “want to read”. I remembered that I liked EL&IC a lot so I tried this book out. It was fine. I gave it a 4 on goodreads. I think the author has Ukrainian roots but I’m pretty sure he didn’t write this book in the last few weeks. I kinda wonder what he is thinking now.

I have heard a few people say that the Ukrainians WANTED to be “liberated”. Liberated from what? And by Russia? Whut? If that’s true, why does the United States have so many Ukrainian-Americans? People emigrate to other countries for good reasons. A Russian fighter jet flying low over your house is one of them. I think most people want to be “free”. Like so many other words (strong, tough, weak, whatever), it’s a word that needs to be defined. To me, “free” means I can read whatever I want, say whatever I want, go wherever I want, buy whatever I want, etc. But I also need to be responsible for my words and actions.

Anyway I am now re-reading EL&IC, which is written from the POV of a young boy who has lost his father via the 2001 World Trade center attack.

What were you doing that day? I was working on YAG stuff on my computer in my house without the radio on (unusual). I made a quick [ahem unmasked] grock trip to the Westgate Kroger and I heard people talking about some kind of a plane crash. At like 11:00 AM, the GG came home from work. I (jokingly) asked if the US government had fired him. He looked at me like I was crazy. “You don’t know?” No, I didn’t know. And then I did.

I’m rambling and I dunno where we’re going from here. The pic is from the mouse house.

Oh yeah, there were at least three more trips to the hardware store today.

2 Responses to “Spring has sprung?”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I liked that book too which Ashley insisted I read. It was (I thought) beautifully written. If being liberated means being bombed into smithereens and killed so that a nearby dictator can take over your sovereign country, then yeah, I guess so. How stupid can some people be?

  2. Jay Says:

    We just watched el&ic last night. What a coincidence