Grockin’ along
Most of my grock trips are quick ones. Today’s wasn’t the quickest because we are feeding more than two people for multiple days but it was cool to have dual shoppers. Today’s trip was with my mouse although I have done this with Uber Kayak Woman and even the GG.
We each had our own lists and carts and I can’t exactly describe this except to say that I was mainly focused on tonight’s dinner and my mouse was planning for a few days. We both stocked up a bit on adult substances for the week, which always increase expenses significantly.
We both spent A LOT of money. I didn’t think about that for a while because I’m accustomed to spending a lot of money at grocery stores, especially when I am in the yooperland. Not because grocks are more expensive here, I actually think they are maybe cheaper. Just that my habits are a bit different when I’m in the yooperland. But finally I asked… And then I got onto Venmo…
Anyway, we expect to make more grock trips this week (I already have a little list) but probably nothing extensive or expensive. At any rate, I am totally out of whack on blahgging tonight. I have totally lost any train of thought I may have had. So g’night and love y’all.
August 1st, 2022 at 9:33 pm
Same at restaurants–they are expensive but any adult beverages much raises the bill. Still worth it though.