Yooper snowbird MAGAt hurricane bravado

I can count on one hand (I think) the number of times I’ve visited Crazy Old Florida in my life. I am not a regular. I love visiting but after about a week, I am itching to head back north.

Because we had/have relatives in Bradenton, that area is what I’m most familiar with. The second-to-last time I visited Florida, instead of staying with relatives, we rented a place right on the beach on Long Boat Key (gulf coast if you’re not familiar). Which is pretty much right in Ian’s path, a bit north maybe but probably not far enough north if I’m understanding Ian’s path correctly.

We had GORGEOUS weather the week or so we were there. Sunny and not too hot. NO HURRICANES. Our rental was a retro motor hotel style place renovated with studio-style rooms, i.e., small but fully equipped kitchens. I do NOT like glamorous hotels. I am okay with “rustic” but I prefer the rustic cabin that I own. It has its flaws but they are long familiar ones and I know who cleans it. Our rental hit the sweet spot.

The next time we went to Fla (last time for me) is what I call the LSD Trip. This was a rescue trip so we didn’t stay anywhere near the beach. The Frog Hopper broke down, I got a red tide warning on a weather app as soon as we arrived, and wouldn’t you know a hurricane (Michael) caused us to leave a few days earlier than planned. We got the car fixed (miraculously) and drove back up the I75 Snowbird Geezerway with an oxygen setup (and the person using it), a dog, and a U-Haul trailer. “Don’t hit any bumps, my TVs are back there!” Gotta be able to watch Gunsmoke reruns, don’tcha know. Fun times.

We knew that Michael would not hit our area directly (he didn’t) but we were concerned about driving through potentially heavy rain in Georgia. I will never forget my relief when we crossed the Tennessee River bridge under brilliant sunshine.

Anyway, I have been thinking about Long Boat Key and the surrounding area. What will happen to our beautiful motor lodge. And what about Mr. Ed. He is our late sister Suzie’s husband and last remaining Floridian relative. He is a native. I can’t believe he’ll evacuate but then he is not ON the beach. Hoping for the best for him.

Some pics from our last FUN trip to Fla. The one before the LSD trip, which was fun in its own way, like this’ll be funny some day, roight? 🤣

Here is the Sea Club 1 and we are second from left on the first floor there.

From this courtyard (Ringling Brothers art museum), I managed to talk my mouse (who was at my house doing laundry) through how to find and email some files (that I had forgotten to upload) to my boss 🐽

Banyan tree. Trees? Too lazy to look up. Also at Ringling. Mr. Ed’s family had worked for Ringling. I mean the museum(s) not the circus. He loves the place.

Mangrove. I think. Am I remembering accurately? I love seeing the different flora and fauna even though I don’t know much about it.

One of my fave photos ever. I snuck up on these slowly with my iPhone cam in burst mode and picked the best one. I’m not usually that patient and therefore not good at wildlife photography.

This is how I feel when we cross the Great Lake State border (especially on the LSD Trip). Almost home.

P.S. My MAGA-ish facebook/high school snowbird friends, after some days of hurricane bravado, seem awfully quiet all of a sudden. Gitchee Gumee can throw up some good storms but there isn’t enough water there to conjure up anything approaching a hurricane. So I hope “youse” are all right.

2 Responses to “Yooper snowbird MAGAt hurricane bravado”

  1. Margaret Says:

    That is an incredible shot of the gulls. I’ve stayed in Bradenton for gymnastics meet and did a little bit of sightseeing outside the gym. (not much time during a long weekend when you’ve flown from Seattle) I enjoyed myself but got enough of Florida on that trip and won’t be back.

  2. Pam J. Says:

    I was in Longboat Key in 1972 or 73, long before it was developed with hundreds of homes and canals. Quite beautiful and so much nicer than the Atlantic side of that (miserable?) state. Maybe they should have left it that way…undeveloped. But I guess I could say that about hundreds, thousands of beach/ocean front homes. That huge piece of Antarctica is getting ready to “calf” — I think that’s the proper term — and raise sea level enough to re-design the coastlines. I sound like an old grump, don’t I? I guess I am!