The woodpecker WILL wake you up
Oh not this woodpecker. I can hear this one rat-a-tatting around here and there sometimes but it does NOT peck on the metal fireplace chimney. DR-R-R-R-R-R-R!!!!
Today it was apparently in some kind of competition with another woodpecker. They’re downys, little ones. Chickadees often nest in this birdhouse in the spring. I dunno what these characters were doing. The GG sent me the pic. He was typing away at a North Country Trail newsletter, a little too frenetically for my taste since I was picking away at a glacially paced archaeological dig. Frenetically? Pacing and sighing and other activities.
And then. Dun dun dun. “Is it okay if I go back to the great white north?” Well, yes. And no, I do not want to go. You are gonna be out playing with DR mowers and fixing benches and I am gonna be working and it’s all fine but I can’t stay at the moomin because it’s closed (and wouldn’t be easy to keep warm at this time of year even if it weren’t). And I don’t wanna stay in a motel. I’ll stay here and get ready for turkey day.
Another day at the Landfill.
November 16th, 2022 at 9:36 pm
I hate it when crows peck on the metal cap on my chimney! Isn’t it already snowy up there?