Holiday reset
Okay. Thanksgiving is over and the next chapter begins. This morning, after a walk and a trip to Plum, I… started some bacon. Put away all of the clean, dry dishes the beach urchins left in the bamboo drainer last night. I ate the pumpkin parfait I was too full to eat last night for breakfast (and bacon). Others ate pie (and bacon). Ran the dishwasher load I forgot to turn on last night and two loads of laundry. Lots of futzing around with the blasted laundry app that decided all of a sudden to not recognize my dryer via our wifi connection.
During a session in the dungeon where I contorted myself down and sideways in order to read the sticker on the interior of the dryer door to get the “password”, it wouldn’t connect and it wouldn’t connect and I was about to give up when it suddenly recognized me again. User interface design anyone? Whose nephew designed this? Or was it a bazillionaire? It is a DRYER! Why don’t they print the frickin’ password PROMINENTLY across the the top of the dryer? Who is gonna try to log in to my DRYER? If somebody breaks into my house, they are NOT gonna want to steal a bunch of old clothes, clean or not. And if they did want to steal old clothes, they certainly wouldn’t need the dryer password. They could just open the dryer door! Or rummage through our dressers and closets. Jeebus.
So turkey tetrahedron tonight. So good. Spaghetti, turkey, peas, mushrooms, sauce (milk, broth, whine, pepper, and nutmeg), topped with parmesan/bread crumbs and baked. There is a pretty good ton of food left but probably not more than we can deal with if we’re creative about leftovers.
The pic has nothing to do with today. It is from May 2000 when a tree fell on our house and the POC (Chrysler minivan). It doesn’t embiggen much because it was taken with our first digital cam, a Sony Mavica. That thing actually saved photos to FLOPPY DISKS!
November 26th, 2022 at 12:20 am
I would like your dinner except swap out the peas for green beans. That’s crazy that the dryer password is so difficult to access. As you said, who would want to steal a bunch of clothes?
December 5th, 2022 at 1:10 pm
I don’t know who, but I did lose a load of laundry in an Ann Arbor laundromat, back in the mid-70’s. The prices had gone up, so I didn’t have enough change. Went across the street to the McDonalds. Waited forever to get change. Went back to find one of my loads running, and the other vanished. No one was in there when I started, or when I came back. Maybe the socks had to go report to the mothership, and talked the rest of the load into going with them?