Another trip around the sun

For this [once] little one.

This little person was always interested in clothing and I had no trouble indulging her creative tastes. Well, not when she drew all over herself with marker or glitter glue or whatever. “It’s okay mama, it’s all dried out now.”

In this case, this was not the outfit she started out the day in. My parents were there and my brother and his fam came down for Sunday brunch (a much better time to celebrate a young child’s birthday than dinnertime in my humble opinion). My brother handed her a gift bag containing this cute little outfit and she IMMEDIATELY stripped down to her undies in front of god and everyone and changed into her new clothes. The hand-knitted hat was a gift from The Commander. The high heeled shoes were “borrowed” from her older sister and the puffalump mouse is, well, Mouse (aka Speedy Water Janet Pop Mousey Mushroom Ears). And lives on even today.

Missing those days and feeling a bit old and baggy🐽

One Response to “Another trip around the sun”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Such a sweet photo!