Slodgy day

I dunno. I thought I would be doing tons of chores today and pre-packing for our NEXT trip to the yooperland. This will be our 4th of July trip but I will stay for a while after that and telecommute for a week or so until UKW arrives. I won’t be there for six weeks like I was in 2021 but I’ll be there for a while and sounds like the GG will be with me. I/we will return to The Planet Ann Arbor in late July or so. We will probably go back up for a couple weeks surrounding Labor Day. And probably close the cabin then. Wait, didn’t we just open it?

I slugged around a lot today. Except for clothing and a few food items, I don’t really have much to schlep up to the moomincabin. Well except for the new couch but I’m staying outta that fray🤣. I’m all for paying beaucoup bucks to rent a trailer for Mooon Yooonit to do the hauling but others have different opinions. As long as I can fit my meager belongings into Cygnus, I guess I don’t care if she also has to haul couch parts.

It has been dry dry dry here in the armpit of the Great Lake State. That would be southeast Michigan. This afternoon we had tornado watches and severe storm warnings. We did get a good thunderstorm or two. I wouldn’t call them severe although when the first one rolled through the winds were high and GG was outside watching the trees and wondering if a tree might fall on the Landfill. If that had happened, it would be our third tree. Thankfully, it didn’t happen and I don’t think we are going to have a tornado.

One Response to “Slodgy day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Crazy weather all around. I’m hoping that we can stay where we are in the high 70s/low 80s. Although Patt loved big weather, I’m not a fan! The 4th is creeping up on us, isn’t it?