Just another sunset

The consensus around these parts is that the best sunset pics have clouds in them and I totally agree with that. Technically this one does have clouds but they are not the dramatic kind that create all kinds of interesting reflections on the water. I used our pine trees to create a bit of interest instead but it is what it is. Yer fav-o-rite iPhoneographer here. With her XS. Yes, I still have an XS. (And I’m not apologizing, just musing.)

That said… I made two trips to town today. The first to get enough grocks to get the two of us through until Friday (hopefully) when we start to fill up with people again. The second to pick up the GG at the locks where he ended up after walking to town. He got what sounded like a loverly sandwich at Bird’s Eye Outfitters but did not think to ask me if I wanted one. It’s okay, I finished the last of the tofu/black bean taco stuff but Bird’s Eye is in my future. Maybe when UKW is here. We’ll have to do Kenny’s Pitchen too. A LOOOOOONG time fave.

I fitted these trips around my WORK SCHEDULE. Because, yes, I am working this week except for Friday. I was reluctant to log on this morning. I mean, this vacation stuff is not all that bad. But then I did and as I was going through my email, I got a HUGE SURPRISE! A good one but not blahggable. Suffice it to say I didn’t get faaared. (Yet. Because at an “at will” company, ya nevah know.)

We’ve been sleeping in the Lyme Lounge for most of this trip. For the duration that I’ll be working from there, we are sleeping inside the moomincabin. That means we don’t have to switch the bed in the Lyme Lounge into a table every morning and back to a bed every evening. And when I say “we”, I mean the GG. I couldn’t even figger out how to open the back window today😵‍💫

One Response to “Just another sunset”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Yay for positive surprises! YD should be working now while she’s sitting around in the hospital but isn’t allowed to be on a public network. So frustrating! I’m not good at figuring out how to open/close things like windows and beds but John is.