Directional primer

For whatever reason my loverly significant other has been referring to the direction of the wind that puts waves like this onto the moominbeach as NORTH. NOT… NOT… NOT… These waves are coming from the northWEST. Here is a MAP and TELL ME that we are looking NORTH instead of northWEST. We are the blue dot and a northwest wind comes straight in down that line with Lake Superior on it.

A northwest wind like this one creates waves that crash directly onto our beach. The water is generally warm (or feels warm) on NW wind days, assuming Gitchee Gumee has finally warmed up for the summer, which it actually has.

When the wind actually does come from the actual NORTH, you would see little waves coming crosswise from the right. Maybe a few whitecaps but not many. The water and the wind would be COLD.

The so-called Undertaker’s Wind comes outta the swamp. It is a southEAST wind, not a south wind. Some people (my kids?) have told me my dad called the wind outta the swamp an undertaker’s wind. I can’t say that I actually remember him saying that but one of my cousins said, “It sounds like something your dad would have said.” Yes, it does. Our beach is in the lee in a SE wind. Water dead still.

We also sometimes get winds from the SOUTHWEST. I haven’t seen one in a while but they can be wicked in their own way. The waves come in from the left and the wind can be strong enough to blow sand along the beach. Sandblasting. And if there is some kind of insect hatch, you get blasted with those too.

I dunno what south, east, or west winds exactly do. But those that I described are our prevailing winds here at the moominbeach.

One Response to “Directional primer”

  1. Margaret Says:

    It’s amazing how familiar you are with what each directional wind does to the waves and the water. I know absolutely nothing! (and I’ve lived around water all my life)