If they don’t win it’s a shame
And it is a shame because the Liii-yuns have been the underdogs for so many years. I’m sorry they lost but I am not gonna armchair quarterback it, as if I *could* armchair quarterback a football game, knowing as little as I do about the game.
I do have to say I was a whole helluva lot more upset when the Orange Baboon won the 2016 election. Even though I got up and went to work that morning, I am STILL upset about that contest’s outcome. I don’t have to live with a less than happy outcome of a football game day after day after day. But the OB is STILL in my face, even after LOSING in 2020 (and YES, he DID lose), ranting and raving incoherently in ALL CAPS! Groundhog Day anyone?
Let’s move on to household hints. How many times have you wondered from 30,000 feet (or even from the grocery store), “Did I turn off the stove?” I rarely do it from 30,000 feet because I am not crazy about flying but I definitely do it from the grocery store. One of the beach urchins has devised this method, which, amazingly, I have never thought of. YOU TAKE A PHOTO OF THE STOVE (TURNED OFF) WITH YOUR IPHONE. This wasn’t possible until digital cameras. If you tried to do this with a film cam, you would have to wait until you finished the roll and got it developed to find out if you had left the stove on. At which time it would be too late. Still, I’ve had a digital cam since the Sony Mavica and I’m kinda surprised I haven’t thought of this before.
I didn’t really do very well with film cameras in general. The nadir was when I was a young mother and obtained a sleek little camera that would advance the film automatically. I was on the moominbeach once and I took a picture and my dad and brother both panicked that I might run down the battery if I didn’t shut the camera off. Well. Reacting to their freakout, I shut the camera off immediately. BEFORE IT HAD ADVANCED TO THE NEXT PICTURE. Jeebus… What were they so freaked out about? If I had let the cam advance like it was supposed to do and THEN forgot to shut it down, how bad could it be? My battery would’ve died and I’d’ve learned a hard lesson. But not one that would’ve broken the bank. Reacting to their panic may have broken the bank because it also broke the camera. I didn’t ever get that one fixed.
Photo credit to mouse and this is the stove at the group home at Hoton Lake. She and the Racc tried to ski/hike up there last weekend. The trails sucked. The ski ranch had to close because of conditions and hiking involved post-holing.
January 30th, 2024 at 11:44 am
I agree with you about 45. Even if he loses again, he will never lose and the insanity will continue. I always second guess whether I’ve lowered the garage door. Sometimes I loop back around to double check. So far it’s been down but it’s an action I do automatically and sometimes I drive off without watching to see whether it comes all the way down.